Filter Coalescers / Filter Separators:
Filter coalescer is a two-stage concept used on gas streams requiring both solids and liquids removal. Our filter coalescers combine the principals of impingement baffle with efficient coalescing cartridge design. The flow enters the inlet where the impingement baffle removes solids and some entrained liquids, which collects in a sump or liquid holding area. Mist flows up to the coalescer cartridges where the oil and water are coalesced and the solids are removed. The flow through the coalescer cartridge is inside to outside. Solids remain in the coalescer cartridges and coalesced water and oil fall by gravity. The clean dry gas stream then flows through the center pipe to the outlet of the vessel.
We can be furnish completely engineered units to include, instruments, valves and controls along with foundation design to suit client site requirements.